Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Announcing... Baby Brody

I just finished doing up a baby announcement/thank you of Brody using the pictures Shanna Bikman ( took for me! I sent them in to get developed today, but here is a sneak peek, even though you are probably receiving one if you are reading my blog :).

I absolutely LOVE Adobe Photoshop (although I only have the elements version), and have had a lot of fun making up baby or wedding announcements for a few friends in the past. Once you get started on it, it is totally addicting (somewhat like blogging!). Here are a few of the examples that I have done in the past. If anyone ever needs an announcement made up, give me a call! I would have a ton of fun doing it!


  1. Very cute announcement for Brody, and the other stuff is really cute too! I just use a public domain copy of Photoshop and I'm only just starting, but I'm going to have to figure out how to do all the stuff you can do!

  2. so cute! If I had known sooner I would have had you do Lucy's.
