Friday, May 28, 2010

Surprise, surprise!!

This month, for the May long weekend, it was my parents 30th Anniversary. Kim, Deanna and I decided that the best gift we could give them would be to plan a surprise get together in Calgary while my parents were there for Mark's graduation from Med school. Mom and Dad were staying at Kim's house overnight Friday, so Deanna and I showed up Saturday morning, and came to the door at the same time to surprise them. We ended up having to tell Dad in advance to stop him from taking mom golfing for the day before we even got there, but the reaction of my mom was still worth it.

We are so glad that my parents have worked so hard on their marriage and have continued to grow in love for each other. They are such a great example to us of what a marriage should be like. Here they are in Bowness Park, near Kim's house. We spent the day there with each other and enjoyed the beautiful, sunny weather.

Kim and her baby Zac
Keira Rose
Brody's first time sitting on the grass... he was quite entertained by toucing all of the pieces and trying to pull them out and put them in his mouth.
Brody was trying to push Zac over to get the ball... Keira would have none of it.
Brody was trying to show off his clapping skills to everyone, but it looks like there were more interesting things to look at.

Deanna and Kim
Brody also got his first full-head hair cut last week. I'm so used to it being longer now that it has taken a while to get use to the new look. He did pretty good for the top, but when I started trying to do around his ears he kind of freaked out. Here's the before pictures.
It wasn't a mullet yet, but I wasn't too keep about it starting to get longer in the back so... snip!
...but Mom!!! I liked my long hair! Can't you put it back on???
(half-way done)
This kept him quiet while I did the sides, but then he rubbed it on his hair-covered high-chair and I had to take it away before he was eating his own hair... and then he wasn't so happy again. It wasn't exactly the best hair-cut ever, but it will grow back in fairly well.

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