Saturday, May 19, 2012

One of those Evenings...

Brody went to bed without a story tonight... I know he was trying to be mostly good, but things were not working out well between us. Here is the train of events as they occurred:

1. Brody snuck out of the house while I was vacuuming because he decided he wanted to go see the neighbour's dog. I couldn't find him for a while - gave me kind of a scare. I put him in a time out after talking to him about making sure I know where he is all the time, and not going outside alone.
2. While he was in a brief time out, he pooped in his underwear.
3. While I started supper, he decided to draw a picture. After starting on his paper, he discovered that the markers work on his bedspread. He drew a picture on his bedding, then left the markers with the lids off to continue to leak out onto his covers.
4. After trying hard to clean up the ink from his covers, I walk into the living room to find Brody covering Connor's mouth and nose (hard) with a bottle lid. Brody got another time out.
5. Supper finishes cooking, so I dish up Brody's plate, then call him to eat. He sits down to eat, forgets to use his fork, so goes to pick up a handful of rice with his hand, and immediately spills his dinner all over his clean P.J.s that I had just put on him.

"Slow breath in, slow breath out"...

I'm reminded of the book that I read to him before his nap earlier today.

"I'll love you forever
I'll like you for always
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be"

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

72 Hour Kits (from A Mile in Our Shoes)

A friend of mine just posted an amazing post about 72 hour kits and what is needed, as well as some other  good ideas. It's a great reminder, and I wanted to share it around!

72 Hour Kits

Hope you find it helpful!