At 20 weeks of pregnancy, we finally had our ultrasound! It was such a neat experience. I was so glad that Kevin could come with me to see our baby for the first time! He was a
feisty little guy for the ultrasound though! He flipped and rolled and moved all over, and I couldn't feel a thing (although I am feeling lots of little pokes and flips less than one week after!) Everything is definitely seeming more real now. They didn't let us know what the baby's sex was at the ultrasound appointment, but our ultrasound technician told us she knew almost instantly after placing the ultrasound machine on my belly, and from what we could see on the ultrasound pictures, it definitely looked like a boy to us too. I did get this confirmed by my doctor, Dr. Steed, on Wednesday though. It's much more fun now that we can start imagining what our little boy is going to be like. He may look remotely like an alien (see the picture where it shows his head face-on), but we think he is a pretty cute little guy. If anyone has any inspirational ideas on what boy names would be cute, let us know, because we aren't agreeing on many so far.
We are just getting ready to head to HAWAII this weekend for the Easter break! Finally! We have been saving up to go on some kind of a nice vacation for a long time, and things never seem to work out for us to go. It looks like I will also finally be able to meet Kevin's good friend, Mike, who is just finishing his schooling at BYU Hawaii this year. Him and his wife are going to show us around the island and take us to the Polynesian Cultural Center while we are there. It has been interesting finding summer clothes that will fit me while we are there! I seem to have exploded over night, and have noticed that, since Wednesday, people are starting to look at my stomach before they look at my face. I guess I will have to get used to that.